As a B1G1 Business for Good, we incorporate purpose and meaning to our business through giving.
At Beyond Numbers, we believe that as human beings we all have a responsibility to give back, to help and empower those less fortunate than ourselves.
By partnering with the B1G1 global giving initiative, we can create a direct link between what we do and our giving. The process of giving to a good cause during the course of our daily business activities is a simple and effective way to affect change where it is needed, and to make a difference in the world. Simply by engaging with us you are helping Beyond Numbers to conduct business in a more meaningful way, and we thank you for this.
Beyond Numbers recognises that the world’s resources are not evenly distributed and we want to play our part in bringing hope to people that are disadvantaged.
Prepare a Full Years Set of Management Accounts
We will give a pair of shoes to a child in India.
Prepare a One Page Business Plan
We will provide gown laundry for 10 cataract patients in Indonesia.
Run a Workshop for 4 or More Clients
We will train a kindergarten teacher in Ghana.
Prepare a Set of Annual Accounts
We will give access to life saving water in Ethiopia.
“Every time we do business, something AMAZING happens. We believe that business has the power to change lives by giving. By doing business with us, you are helping the lives of thousands of people.”